The Case for Not Having a Deadline

I recently wrote about why my WIP is TOP SECRET over on YATopia. Basically I'm keeping all the magic bottled inside until it gushes out on paper all glittery and vibrating with life. If I tell anyone my ideas, the inspiration balloon deflates and I'm suddenly more concerned with whether they like it. I get so worried about not disappointing that I freeze up.

Wellll, turns out I feel the same way about deadlines. (UPDATE: I now feel this only applies to first drafts. I found that in revision and editing, having a deadline propelled and energized me.)

I'm just going to be honest with you...I REALLY FREAKING WANT TO JOIN PITCH WARS IN AUGUST. I've joined before with a different novel that's on the backburner right now before a major revision (again), and the experience was so cool. I was never picked, but the community of writers was just...ahhhhmazing. And I like the thrill of having something out there, of being mentored, of the chance at publication dreams taking off. So I'd love to join with my new WIP this year.

I'm so far from ready, though! Is it possible I could be ready? Yeah, for sure. I've been enjoying my project and working at a pretty fast pace for me. Buuuut as soon as I made Pitch Wars a goal, all that momentum splattered. I started trying to create something good instead of creating because it was fun. I can't do it that way! I need absolutely no expectation from myself except this:

I write to explore and have fun.

When I write with this freedom, everything feels so much more authentic and enjoyable. This way, the book will get finished and it'll be true to itself. Then when I'm done in whatever timing, I can look at Pitch Wars and start querying and all that jazz. (Although in the future, I might have real deadlines I'll have to pretend don't exist.) But for now, I'm not in the business of writing for anyone but me.

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