The Case for Not Having a Deadline
I recently wrote about why my WIP is TOP SECRET over on YATopia . Basically I'm keeping all the magic bottled inside until it gushes out on paper all glittery and vibrating with life. If I tell anyone my ideas, the inspiration balloon deflates and I'm suddenly more concerned with whether they like it. I get so worried about not disappointing that I freeze up. Wellll, turns out I feel the same way about deadlines. (UPDATE: I now feel this only applies to first drafts. I found that in revision and editing, having a deadline propelled and energized me.) I'm just going to be honest with you...I REALLY FREAKING WANT TO JOIN PITCH WARS IN AUGUST. I've joined before with a different novel that's on the backburner right now before a major revision (again), and the experience was so cool. I was never picked, but the community of writers was just...ahhhhmazing. And I like the thrill of having something out there, of being mentored, of the chance at publication drea...