
Showing posts from November, 2019

This is What Rejection Means

On the night of Pitch Wars announcements, I would like to announce that I wasn't chosen. This is coming on the heels of two rejection letters from literary agents too. Why am I telling you this? I think it's important to share the tough parts of every journey--not just the highlights. People need to see other people being people, and part of being people is rejection. Especially if you're in the arts because art is so subjective. So, I got rejected, and you got rejected, Nancy down the street got rejected, and the future NYT Bestseller got rejected. Now what? First: Feel. Let yourself feel how you feel without judgement. Are you disappointed? That's okay. Are you bummed? That's okay. Do you feel discouraged? That's okay. Did it light a fire under your bottom? Cool. Is this another Tuesday for you? All right. There's no wrong answer. No wrong way to feel. Everyone handles rejection differently, so just let it be.  Next: Celebrate! YOU DID A BIG THING....