There's No Such Thing as a Nice Girl
I just had a conversation on Twitter with some other writers after someone told a writer she should write more nice girls instead of angry girls. My reply was, "As a recovering nice girl, there's no such thing as nice girls...only girls who learn to quiet the parts of themselves other people won't approve of." If you're a writer and thinking, "Yeah, but I have a character who is so nice, for real. She goes out of her way for other people. She's so noble and selfless and wouldn't hurt anyone blah blah blah..." Okay, I hear you. A girl or woman can be all of those things, but honestly, if everyone thinks she's "so nice," it's because she never stands up for herself. She has quieted herself and made herself smaller to fit inside this tiny box of other people's expectations. A girl or woman could volunteer at homeless shelters, be the safe place for all of her friend's woes, dress modestly, pray for world peace, ba...