I Can't Travel So I'm Using Facebook to Research My Novel's Setting
I'm working on two novels. The first one is the book I've been writing, querying, and revising since 2010. I recently took a long break from that book for reasons I'll explain in a different post. In the meantime, I started a sequel to that book, which is the best friend's story and the most fun character I've ever made. She speaks her mind, is spirited, wears fun wigs because she wants to, and is an artist. She sees the world in a much more colorful way than the protagonist from the first book, so when I started writing the sequel, I realized how sorely lacking my setting was. These books take place in San Diego, but from the first book, you'd think it took place in Small White Town, USA. So as I'm fleshing out the first draft of book two, I'm researching San Diego. Which meant, I even looked up round trip plane tickets just to entertain the thought of traveling there from my little Michigan city. But nope. Totally out of the question for me. Sin...